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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

Allow Multiple Instances If this option is checked you can run multiple instances of DynamIP at the same time. This may be useful - for example - if you need to check more than 5 mail boxes or want to update more than 1 DIPS account. You can have each instance of DynamIP read its settings from a different INI file (more information about how to do this is available here). Note, however, that chat features (IPchat, WEBchat) can be enabled for the first instance only.

This option is ignored if DynamIP is running as an NT Service (only one instance is allowed to run as a service).

Startup Window State Normal
starts with a normal size window. DynamIP remembers the last position before it was shut down and will restore the main window in the same place.

starts either minimized (if AutoTray is unchecked) or directly in the Tray (if
AutoTray is checked).

AutoTray If AutoTray is checked DynamIP will automatically start in the Tray (if Minimized/Tray is selected) and put itself into the Tray whenever the ONline event occurs (only if IPchat is off). Note that the AutoTray setting is ignored under Windows NT3.x because there is no tray.
Play Sound Files DynamIP plays sound files when notification events occur (sound files must be defined in the appropriate location, e.g. IPchat).
Notification Window DynamIP brings up a notification window when notification events occur. This is helpful if you don't have a sound card.
Background Color Color used to paint the background of the main DynamIP window. Note that with the exception of the fore- and background color all the other color settings of DynamIP are taken from the registry; you can change them from the Control Panel [Icon Display].
Foreground Color Color of fonts in the main DynamIP window. Note that with the exception of the fore- and background color all the other color settings of DynamIP are taken from the registry; you can change them from the Control Panel [Icon Display].
LOG DUN/RAS If checked DynamIP will write all DUN/RAS activities (e.g. dialer) to the log file.
LOG Uploader If checked DynamIP will write all Uploader activities to the log file.
LOG Mail If checked DynamIP will write all Mail activities to the log file.
LOG Time If checked DynamIP will write all Time activities to the log file.
LOG IP/WEBchat If checked DynamIP will write all chat activities to the log file.
LOG HTTPscan If checked DynamIP will write all server scan activities to the log file.
LOG raw UDP Packets If checked DynamIP will write all UDP packets that arrive at the chat port to the log file. I use this mainly for debugging purposes...
LOG DIPS If checked DynamIP will write all activities of the DIPS Client to the log file.
LOG WEBcam If checked DynamIP will write all activities related to the WEBcam to the log file.
Reset LOG file at Startup If checked DynamIP will delete the log file each time you start DynamIP; this prevents your log file from filling up your harddrive...
generate DUN/RAS protocol If checked DynamIP will generate a DUN/RAS log and write it to the file DIPconn.LOG. This might be useful if you want to keep track of your on-line time, phone charges, etc.
IE4 Internet Shortcuts If checked DynamIP will use the extended format for Internet Shortcuts (adds extra information like Accessed and Modified to Internet Shortcuts). Unless you have IE4 or IE5 installed this setting won't matter.


Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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